Suggested Reading

While we are not holding reading groups as part of this year’s Institute, we thought some people might like a little airplane reading. Here is a short list of articles that are central to this year’s theme and to the work we’ve been doing to put the Institute together:
Peter Hitchcock, “Oil in the American Imaginary,” New Formations 69 (2010): 81-97.
Stephanie LeMenager, “The Aesthetics of Petroleum, after Oil!” American Literary History 24.1 (2012): 59–86.
Timothy Mitchell, “Carbon Democracy,” Economy and Society 38:3 (2009): 399-432.
Claus Peter Ortlieb, “A Contradiction between Matter and Form: On the Significance of the Production of Relative Surplus Value in the Dynamic of Terminal Crisis,” Marxism and the Critique of Value (Chicago: MCM’ Publishing, 2008): 77-121.
Imre Szeman, “Conclusion: On Energopolitics,” Anthropological Quarterly 87.2 (2014): 453-464.
Daniel Tanuro, “Marxism, Energy, and Ecology: The Moment of Truth,” trans. Richard Fidlar, Capitalism Nature Socialism 21.4 (2010): 89-101.
Marina Vishmidt,  “To Die and Leave Silk for Capital,” Post-Fordism and its Discontents, Ed. by Gal Kirn, 305-325

Patricia Yaeger, “Editor’s Column: Literature in the Ages of Wood, Tallow, Coal, Whale Oil, Gasoline, Atomic Power, and Other Energy Sources,” PMLA 126.2 (2011): 305-310.
Daniel Zamora “When Exclusion Replaces Exploitation”
If you would like access to any of these materials please email: mlgics2014 [at] gmail [dot] com